According to astrology, if Mars is in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth position in a person’s horoscope, that person is suffering from Manglik Dosha. Manglik dosha is directly tied to marriage in Hinduism. Getting a Manglik married to a mangal is a good idea because it automatically terminates the Manglik Dosh.
In general, it is believed in Hindu society that if a boy or a girl has Mangal dosha in his or her horoscope and marries a non-Manglik, the life partner will perish. If Mangal Dosha is present in your birth chart, it might cause problems and obstacles in your life, particularly in your marriage.
Mangal dosha is one of the most feared astrological combinations in Hindu culture. According to astrology, if Mars is placed in the eighth house of the Kundli, a person may find himself or herself in the wrong company, which could lead to a marriage collapse. Every Tuesday, a Manglik should devotedly repeat the Navagraha Mantra or the Mangal Mantra. Remedies for Manglik Dosha.
If you suffer from a low mangal dosha, you might try these remedies. Every Tuesday, go to any Navagraha temple dedicated to Lord Mangal and perform Puja. If Mars is in the 7th or 8th house, you have a Greater Mangal Dosha in your Kundali. Before and after marriage, Mangal Dosha Remedies can help reduce the effects of Mars’s bad location in your Kundali. Recite the Mangal Mantra and the Hanuman Chalisa before Goddess Durga.
Keep an energetic Mangal Yantra in your home. Perform Kumbh Vivah on a peepal or banana tree before getting married. To counteract the Mangal Dosha’s effects, marry another Manglik.
The Mangal Dosha can be removed by doing poojan at Mangal Nath Mandir. You can book our customisable package by clicking here.
In astrology, the Manglik Dosh is extremely important. Manglik dosha is directly tied to marriage in Hinduism.
According to astrology, if Mars is in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth position in a person’s horoscope, that person is suffering from Manglik Dosha. The location of Mars on the planet Earth causes the Manglik dosha.
When it comes to Mars, it is known as the God of War, and it is still single. Surprisingly, the unmarried planet causes such combinations in the native’s horoscope that troubles persist in not only marriage proposals but also married life.
As a result, it is often recommended that a Manglik individual marry another Manglik, or else the marriage will suffer.
According to astrology, even if a Mangli (Manglik) marries a non-Manglik, the marriage will be filled with difficulties and sorrows, and the life partner may be left behind.
According to astrology, getting a Manglik married to a Manglik is a good idea because it automatically terminates the Manglik Dosh. If you’re not sure what it is or how it affects you, keep reading!
What causes someone to have Manglik dosh?
First and foremost, one should learn why and how Manglik Dosh is created. The problems associated with Mars are to blame. Yes, Mars is associated with anger, power, bravery, and good fortune in the Holy Books. The person will be aggressive, arrogant, and powerful if the planet Mars is polluted in the horoscope.
If such a person marries a non-Manglik, the Manglik will use his passion, rage, bravery, and anger to suppress the other partner. A marriage cannot succeed in such circumstances.
In general, it is believed in Hindu society that if a boy or a girl has Mangal dosha in his or her horoscope and marries a non-Manglik, the life partner will perish. Hence, most people choose a Manglik life partner for their Manglik native’s marriage.
When does Manglik Dosh become harmful?
In general, Manglik Dosh causes a person’s marriage-related work to be disrupted. If Mars is in the seventh house of the horoscope, difficulties in marriage will arise, and troubles will persist even after marriage.
If Mars is in the 4th house, though, the native will marry ahead of schedule. When a young person marries, there are complications, and the marriage does not work out.
If Mars is in the eighth house of the horoscope, the person may find himself or herself in the wrong company, which could lead to a marriage collapse. All of this, however, has never been scientifically confirmed.
Those who believe in astrology, on the other hand, feel that Mangal dosha causes marital issues.
The death of the Manglik native’s spouse is possible if Mars is placed in the eighth house of the Kundli. Because of this dread, Manglik people look for Manglik life partners. To remove the bad element, the local must first marry a peepal tree, pitcher, or Shaligram in order to remove the death yoga.
You’ve probably heard stories of celebrity weddings when the groom and bride took rounds from the pitcher or peepal tree before being married.
Actually, this is done to remove the death yoga from Manglik’s horoscope, so that all of Yoga’s misfortunes are carried by the Peepal tree, Kumbh, and Shaligram, and Manglik’s spouse’s life is spared.
According to astrology, Mangal Dosha in the horoscope automatically ends after 28 years or when the 29th year occurs. After that, the individual is free to marry whomever they wish.
Remedies for Mangal Dosha
If Mangal Dosha is present in your birth chart, it might cause problems and obstacles in your life, particularly in your marriage.
In Hindu culture, it is one of the most feared astrological combinations. On the other hand, many astrological cures can neutralise or even diminish the effects of Mangal Dosha.
Tuesday is a fasting day.
Fast on Tuesday to counteract the effects of Mangal. To make this fast more effective, eat only toor dal (Split-Pigeon Dal) on this day.
Another Manglik to marry.
To counteract all the negative Mangal Dosha consequences, one Manglik should marry another Manglik.
Recite the Navagraha Mantra.
Every Tuesday, a Manglik should devotedly repeat the Navagraha Mantra or the Mangal Mantra. You can also get rid of Mangal Dosha by saying the Hanuman Chalisa every day or singing the Gayatri Mantra 108 times every day.
Vivah Kumbh
When one partner in a marriage is a Manglik, the Kumbh Vivah rite is conducted. According to this tradition, the Manglik is forced to marry a peepal tree, a banana tree, or a silver or golden Lord Vishnu image. It works well to counteract the negative effects of Mangal Dosha.
Red Coral Ring
Coral, a vivid red gemstone, is astrologically linked to the planet Mars. Mangal’s negative effects can be mitigated by wearing this gemstone. However, before you wear the stone, make certain it is genuine.
Make Sacrifices
You can offer or donate certain items to Mars to make him happy. On Tuesdays, offering things like red lentils, swords, red coral, knives, or red silk is an excellent treatment for Mangal Dosha.
Navagraha or Hanuman Temple Puja should be performed.
Every Tuesday, go to any Navagraha temple dedicated to Lord Mangal and perform Puja. In India, however, there are very few Navagraha temples. Every Tuesday, you can worship Lord Hanuman at his temple.
Light a ghee lamp and offer your prayers along with vermillion and sweets.
Remedies for Low Mangal Dosha
Whether you have low Mangal Dosha or greater Mangal Dosha is determined by the position of Mars in your birth chart.
If Mars is in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, or 12th house, the native has a Low Mangal Dosha with a modest negative influence. However, if Mars is in the 7th or 8th house, you have a Greater Mangal Dosha in your Kundali.
If you suffer from a low mangal dosha, you might try these remedies.
- Daily Chant: Hanuman Chalisa
- Install a Mangal Yantra in your residence. To appease Lord Mangal, offer daily prayers to it.
- Feed the birds every day.
- Offer Lord Ganesha jaggery (gud) and red flowers in exchange for his blessings, which can help you overcome all Mangal Dosha-related issues.
- 108 times, recite “Om Gan Ganpataye Namah.” Do it first thing in the morning for the best results.
- Tuesdays are for fasting.
- Recite the Mangal Chandika Shloka before Goddess Durga.
Before and after marriage, MANGAL DOSHA REMEDIES
Before Marriage, Mangal Dosha Remedies
Mars’s bad location in your Kundali has a significant impact on your marital life. Mangal Dosha can generate troubles and roadblocks in marriage, leading to divorce or separation.
As a result, neutralising the effects of Mangal Dosha before getting married becomes extremely vital. Here are some possible solutions.
The simplest and most straightforward method is to marry after the age of 28 when the unfavourable impacts of Mars are at their lowest.
- To counteract the Mangal Dosha’s effects, marry another Manglik.
- Perform Kumbh Vivah on a peepal or banana tree before going through with the actual marriage.
- Maintain a strict fast every Tuesday.
- Keep an energetic Mangal Yantra in your home.
- Every Tuesday, go to the Hanuman Temple.
- On Tuesday, recite the Mangal Mantra and the Hanuman Chalisa.
- Birds should be fed sweets and grains.
- Every Tuesday, donate red clothes and jaggery.
- Wear a copper or gold red coral ring.
After-Marriage Mangal Dosha Treatment
There are certain Manglik folks who do not use any medicines before getting married. This could cause a lot of problems in their relationship. Mangal dosha consequences can sometimes lead to divorce.
After getting married, people with Mangal Dosha might use the therapies below to help them feel better.
- At home, keep elephant teeth or ivory.
- With Sweet Milk, Worship the Banyan Tree.
- Keep Lord Ganpati’s orange-coloured idol in your home’s Puja Ghar. regularly worship it.
- Puja should be performed in a temple devoted to Lord Mangal.
- On Tuesdays, donate red clothing.
- Every Tuesday, they observe a fast.