Shradh in Varanasi
What is Shradh?
In Hinduism, shraddha, Sanskrit sraddha, often written sraddha, is a ceremony held in memory of a deceased ancestor.
All male Hindus are required to perform the ceremony, which is both a social and religious obligation (with the exception of some sannyasis, or ascetics).
The significance placed on the birth of boys in India reflects the necessity to ensure that a male descendent would be available to execute the shraddha rite after one’s death.
Hindus consider Shraaddh pooja to be a very important ceremony. Devotees believe that by conducting this prayer routine, they will receive blessings from their Hindu forefathers and mothers.
Happiness, wealth, longevity, health, and marital harmony are just a few of the ancestors’ blessings associated with doing the Hindu ceremony or families are denied the opportunity to participate in annual rituals.
The shraadh pooja is also meant to cleanse away the misdeeds done by ancestors.
The living family inherits the forefathers’ monetary and spiritual assets, as well as their sins and wrongdoings.
Its purpose is to nurture, protect, and sustain the dead’s spirits on their journey from the lower to higher realms, prior to their reincarnation and reappearance on Earth.

Pitrupaksha 2024 Dates
In 2024, Pitrupaksha will commence on Friday, 29th September, and conclude with Mahalaya Amavasya on 14th October. Each day of this period is dedicated to performing Tarpan for different family members.
Here are the dates:
Date | Name | Occasion |
September 17 | Purnima Shraddha | Bhadrapada, Shukla Purnima |
September 18 | Pratipada Shraddha | Ashwina, Krishna Pratipada |
September 18 | Dwitiya Shraddha | Ashwina, Krishna Dwitiya |
September 19 | Tritiya Shraddha | Ashwina, Krishna Tritiya |
September 20 | Chaturthi Shraddha | Ashwina, Krishna Chaturthi |
September 20 | Maha Bharani | Ashwina, Bharani Nakshatra |
September 21 | Panchami Shraddha | Ashwina, Krishna Panchami |
September 22 | Shashthi Shraddha | Ashwina, Krishna Shashthi |
September 23 | Saptami Shraddha | Ashwina, Krishna Saptami |
September 24 | Ashtami Shraddha | Ashwina, Krishna Ashtami |
September 25 | Navami Shraddha | Ashwina, Krishna Navami |
September 26 | Dashami Shraddha | Ashwina, Krishna Dashami |
September 27 | Ekadashi Shraddha | Ashwina, Krishna Ekadashi |
September 28 | Dwadashi Shraddha | Ashwina, Krishna Dwadashi |
September 29 | Trayodashi Shraddha | Ashwina, Krishna Trayodashi |
September 29 | Magha Shraddha | Ashwina, Magha Nakshatra |
September 30 | Chaturdashi Shraddha | Ashwina, Krishna Chaturdashi |
October 1 | Sarva Pitru Amavasya | Ashwina, Krishna Amavasya |
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why to Perform Shradh in Varanasi?
Shradh is a devotional rite performed in Varanasi to show homage to and serve the interests of deceased parents and ancestors. A person who does Shradh in Kashi with pure devotion and a calm mind is believed to be rid of all material world troubles.
As a result, everyone should be aware of the many sorts of Shradh and how to do it with the aid of a Pandit for Shradh in Varanasi in order to please one’s parents and ancestors as well as for their personal well-being.
There is no other ritual in Kashi or elsewhere in the world that is more sacred and pure than Shradh, thus an enlightened being should endeavour to do Shradh in Kashi to assist his ancestors in moving on effortlessly to other planes of existence after death, thereby enhancing their spiritual journey.
Long life, health, money, success, intelligent children, positive energy, and a son who may continue the family lineage and bring prosperity are granted to those who conduct various sorts of Shradh.
Who can perform Shradh in Varanasi?
The eldest son gets the first privilege to conduct Shradh karma with Tarpan or Pinddaan to the ancestors, according to Hindu scriptures.
Son can conduct Shradh with his wife after their marriage.
If the elder son is deceased, the younger son can execute Pinddaan, Tarpan, and Shradh karma as well.
In the absence of a son, Shradh karma might be performed by the grandchild of the son.
If a person does not have a son, his siblings might carry out Shradh karma on his behalf.
The daughter’s son has the right to conduct Shradh karma if the individual has exclusively daughters.
Where to Perform Shradh in Varanasi?
People flock to Varanasi or Kashi in pursuit of forgiveness and atonement for all of their sins committed during their lives, which may be found on the banks of the Ganga river. On the banks of the Ganga river, Shradh karma is also performed.