Narayan Bali in Gaya

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What is Narayan bali?

The Narayan Bali in Gaya is thought to aid in the removal of ancestral curses, or Pitru Dosha. When premature deaths occur, such as death through sickness, suicide, fasting, animals, a curse, murder, or drowning, Narayan bali must be done.

Narayan bali pooja is also recommended for removing barriers in business, health issues, education, marriage, and accidental death, as well as for removing troubles caused by curses from the mother, father, or other family members.

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Pitrupaksha 2024 Dates

In 2024, Pitrupaksha will commence on Friday, 29th September, and conclude with Mahalaya Amavasya on 14th October. Each day of this period is dedicated to performing Tarpan for different family members.

Here are the dates:

September 17Purnima ShraddhaBhadrapada, Shukla Purnima
September 18Pratipada ShraddhaAshwina, Krishna Pratipada
September 18Dwitiya ShraddhaAshwina, Krishna Dwitiya
September 19Tritiya ShraddhaAshwina, Krishna Tritiya
September 20Chaturthi ShraddhaAshwina, Krishna Chaturthi
September 20Maha BharaniAshwina, Bharani Nakshatra
September 21Panchami ShraddhaAshwina, Krishna Panchami
September 22Shashthi ShraddhaAshwina, Krishna Shashthi
September 23Saptami ShraddhaAshwina, Krishna Saptami
September 24Ashtami ShraddhaAshwina, Krishna Ashtami
September 25Navami ShraddhaAshwina, Krishna Navami
September 26Dashami ShraddhaAshwina, Krishna Dashami
September 27Ekadashi ShraddhaAshwina, Krishna Ekadashi
September 28Dwadashi ShraddhaAshwina, Krishna Dwadashi
September 29Trayodashi ShraddhaAshwina, Krishna Trayodashi
September 29Magha ShraddhaAshwina, Magha Nakshatra
September 30Chaturdashi ShraddhaAshwina, Krishna Chaturdashi
October 1Sarva Pitru AmavasyaAshwina, Krishna Amavasya


List of vedis for performing Pind daan in Gaya

Frequently Asked Questions:

Pitrupaksha, also known as Mahalay, is a 15-day period dedicated to paying respects to the deceased souls of loved ones and ancestors.

In 2024, Pitrupaksha begins on Tuesday, 17th September and ends on Wednesday, 2nd October.

It is a time to offer respect to the departed souls, considered an integral part of Hindu families, through rituals and ceremonies.

The nomenclature of lunar months differs, but both North and South Indians perform Shraddha rituals on similar days.

The legend involves the warrior King Karna from Mahabharata, who was allowed to return to Earth for 15 days to donate food in memory of his ancestors

Shradh marks an important time to perform the ritual of Tarpan, a way of remembering and honoring departed souls by making offerings of their favorite vegetarian food.

Rituals performed during Shradh appease the departed souls, ensuring their blessings and protection for the living.

Pitrudosh is a negative astrological alignment created when Rahu is placed in certain houses of a horoscope, potentially hindering success despite talent and abilities.

By performing Shradh rituals with honesty, dedication, love, and respect, one can appease ancestors, ensuring their blessings and protection.

Tarpan helps in seeking blessings, assisting ancestors in attaining peace, and removing the effects of unnatural or untimely deaths.

Tarpan helps in seeking blessings, assisting ancestors in attaining peace, and removing the effects of unnatural or untimely deaths.

Performing Shradh rituals and appeasing ancestors during Pitrupaksha can help mitigate the effects of Pitrudosh.

Pitrupaksha is observed during the dark half of Ashwina (September-October) in the Hindu lunar calendar.

Food is offered as a token of respect to the departed souls, ensuring their blessings and protection.

Tarpan is a ritual of remembering and giving thanks to departed souls, ensuring their blessings and protection.

It’s preferred to perform Shradh on the death anniversary of departed family members. If the date is unknown, rituals can be performed on the last day of Pitrupaksha.

Unnatural deaths can prevent souls from attaining peace. Performing Tarpan during Shradh can help these souls find divine peace.

Devotees believe that ancestors shield them from life’s challenges and bestow blessings, ensuring protection from evil energies.

Pitrupaksha or Shradh Paksha comes right before Sharad Navratri in the Hindu calendar.

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