Shashthi Shradh Pitrupaksha 2023

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Shashthi Shradh 2023: Honoring Ancestral Spirits

The ancient Hindu tradition of Shashthi Shradh is a solemn occasion dedicated to paying respects to deceased family members. This ritual holds immense significance in the Hindu calendar, and its observance ensures the peace and well-being of ancestral spirits.

Significance of Shashthi Shradh

Shashthi Shradh is performed for those family members who departed on the Shashthi Tithi, encompassing both the Shukla and Krishna Paksha Shashthi. This ritual is also popularly known as Chhath Shradh. The observance falls during the Pitru Paksha, which is also referred to as Mahalaya Paksha.

Timings for the Ritual in 2023

Shashthi Tithi Begins – 05:33 on Oct 04, 2023
Shashthi Tithi Ends – 05:41 on Oct 05, 2023

Concluding the Ritual

At the end of the Shradh, a ritual called Tarpan is performed. This act involves offering water to the deceased, symbolizing the purification of their souls and ensuring their well-being in the afterlife.

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Looking Ahead

For those who observe the Shashthi Shradh annually, it might be helpful to note that the date for the ritual in 2024 will also be made available for reference. This ensures that devotees can plan ahead and continue to honor their ancestors in the years to come.

In Conclusion

The Shashthi Shradh is a profound tradition that underscores the Hindu belief in the cyclical nature of life and death. By honoring the departed, devotees not only ensure the well-being of their ancestors but also reinforce the bonds of family and the importance of remembering one’s roots. As 2023 approaches, may the spirits of the departed find peace, and may their blessings continue to guide the living.


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