Vedic Astrology
History of Astrology
Vedic astrology, also known as Hindu astrology, is denoted by the Sanskrit word jyotia, which roughly translates as “light/heavenly body.” The modality appears to have originated in the Rigveda, an ancient Indian text (though some claim it has been around since 10,000 B.C. ), and it is believed to have originated in the Rigveda.
Vedic astrology incorporates within it the rich spiritual traditions and mythology of ancient Indian culture, making it a valuable source of information. Even today, Jyotish is regarded as legitimate science in most of India, and for many people, it is an integral part of their way of life.
Vedic astrology was used to calculate key dates for sacrifices and rites as early as the beginning of recorded history. The system got increasingly individualised as time progressed; individuals began to study it and its planetary motions in an attempt to better comprehend their own destinies.
It is tied to other ancient Indian systems such as yoga and Ayurveda, and it functions in a similar way to Western astrology in that it provides us with a roadmap or road map to a greater understanding of our physical, emotional, spiritual, and even financial experiences.
The 12 Vedic Signs or Rashis
For each zodiac sign, the Rashis (The Zodiacs) depicts the constellation in which we were born. In the ecliptic, the Sun’s apparent course is divided into twelve sections known as the zodiacs. There are constellations linked with each of the twelve sky parts that have been given a name.
The 12 zodiac signs of the Vedic zodiac are the same as those in Western astrology. The indicators’ properties, on the other hand, are quite similar. The difference is in the time period.
For those who swear by their Western sun sign’s definition of who they are, expect a little turbulence. The following are the Vedic calendar dates:
Aries: Mesha (April 13–May 14)
Mesha Rashi, often known as the Aries, is the first sign of the Hindu Zodiac. Those born under this zodiac sign, on the other hand, see themselves as the first. They are well-known for their ability to take charge and their positive outlook. In most Mesha Rashi folks or Aries, there is a strong drive to get things started and make them happen.
The Mesha (Aries) Rashi bears a lot of weight, and it’s an omen that needs to be taken seriously. Rashi is the sign of Brahma, according to ancient Vedic writings; he’s the god that created everything. Mangal Graha is the planetary ruler of Aries (Mars). When it comes to personal power and zeal, the planet Mars is a powerful influence. It is a fixed zodiac sign, and its major attribute is fire.
As a result of Mars’ influence, Aries ascendant has a muscular and handsome body. Those born under the Aries zodiac sign are also known for their outgoing personalities, which include being able to explain their thoughts well and enjoy a good discussion. There is a lot of energy in the sign of Aries, and it isn’t merely utilised in the production of new things. When Aries isn’t producing, she’s out and about, so she doesn’t want to be tethered to the mundane.
Surya (Sun) is exalted in Aries zodiac according to the planetary position. Having the Sun in Aries is seen as a blessing for the people of Aries since it provides them with the power and bravery to continue forward in their lives. This zodiac also has Shani Graha (Saturn) in a weakened state. They can get into bad situations because of it, and it can have a negative impact on their marriage as well.
Taurus: Vrishaba (May 15–June 14)
The second sign of the Hindu zodiac is Taurus, also known as Vrish or Vrishabha Rashi. Taurus, or Vrishabha Rashi, is an Earth Sign, and as such, embodies the sign’s work ethic, rock-solid stability, and pragmatic attitude. However, because Venus is their ruling planet, they have a strong desire for worldly goods and luxuries.
Most Tauruses are aficionados of fine cuisine and peaceful existence. They, on the other hand, are steadfast in their approach and do not allow for change. They have a strong sense of allegiance and attachment to the people in their lives, including family, coworkers, bosses, projects, and nearly everyone else. Some consider them to be one of the most reliable zodiac signs since they are so averse to change. Vrishabha’s ego is bolstered by this quality.
Gemini: Mithuna (June 15–July 14)
The third sign of the Hindu Zodiac is Mithun Rashi (Gemini). People born under the Virgo zodiac sign have a strong desire to socialise with others and are known to be excellent conversationalists. Also, because they are intellectually oriented, they like acquiring as much knowledge as possible and sharing it with their loved ones, as it provides them with great pleasure. Aside from having a lot of friends, Gemini (Mithun Rashi) is also attentive to their friends’ needs.
Cancer: Karkata (July 15–August 14)
It’s the 4th zodiac sign in the Hindu calendar, Kark Rashi (Cancer). They are sensitive, passionate, harmonic, dedicated, but also fixed. Most people born under the zodiac sign of Cancer place a high priority on their family, friends, and personal comforts. Their first priority is to provide a safe haven for their loved ones and to do it in the most luxurious manner possible. Karkatas are empathetic and eager to aid those in need. Conflicts are avoided as much as possible by them. They are able to keep their emotions under wraps because of this particular quality.
Leo: Simha (August 15–September 15)
In the Hindu zodiac, Simha Rashi persons are the rulers of the zodiac. Leos, the fifth sign of the zodiac, embody the strength, fierceness, boldness, courage, and majesty of their sign’s name. In practically every aspect of their life, Simha people are self-confident and self-assured.
As the most powerful zodiac sign, Simha or Lions, are known for their bravery and confidence, as well as their excellent and unrivalled optimistic thinking.
Virgo: Kanya (September 16–October 15)
Similarly to its sign and name, Kanya Rashi is a lady-like figure who is both elegant and duty-bound. Perfection is a goal for the Kanya Rashi, the Hindu Zodiac’s 6th astrological sign. Most Kanya Rashi-born residents are truthful and compassionate to the point of obsession with their loved ones.
Libra: Tula (October 16–November 14)
The 7th sign of the Hindu zodiac, Tula, is depicted by the balancing scales symbol. As expected, ‘Balance’ is the catchphrase. Almost all of them are some degree of a balancing act. The Tula-born, like a pair of scales, always has two sides to his/her personality and thoughts.
Librans are natural soothers and harmonizers because they place high importance on fairness and justice. On their own, most of them avoid confrontation or disagreements, preferring to avoid or avoid creating or causing them. They’re excellent team players because of this. In addition to being amicable and appealing, they are also popular with their friends since they tend to be playable, trustworthy, and balanced team leaders for their teams.
Scorpio: Vrishchika (November 15–December 14)
As the eighth sign of the Zodiac (Hindu Zodiac), Scorpios enjoy a good battle and can compete with ‘intensity’ (worth). If you’d want to describe a Scorpio as someone who’s strong-willed and resolute, this is the best way to do it:
As well as being ambitious and security-oriented, Scorpio Rashi folks are devoted and loyal. People that are curious and eager to learn are clever and driven individuals who can make a significant contribution to any endeavour.
The Zodiac Sign of the Scorpio
People born under the zodiac sign Scorpio (Vrischika Rashi) tend to be muscular, with broad shoulders, sharp features, and a husky voice that may be charming. Flat cheekbones and a square forehead and jawline define this look. Their limbs are shorter than their upper torso, which gives them an elongated appearance. They feature intense, hypnotic eyes, a small neck, narrow but seductive lips, and dense hair.
Sagittarius: Dhanus (December 15–January 13)
This is the ninth sign of the Hindu Zodiac, Dhanu Rashi (Dhanusha Rashi). These people are explorers, adventurers, and aficionados of travel and self-discovery, and they’re a joy to be around. Many Sagittarius people have a philosophical bent, and their desire to learn is nearly unrelenting and abounds.
People born under the sign of Sagittarius Rashi are restless, curious, and eager to learn, but they may also be a bit too forward and garrulous. The journey for truth and knowledge that they are on leads them to question everything that is presented to them.
Capricorn: Makara (January 14–February 11)
The Mountain Goat, Makara Rashi, is the Hindu Zodiac’s 10th astrological sign, representing ascent and progress. As a Capricorn, Makar Rashi – Capricorn has a strong work ethic.
Capricorns are known for their calm demeanour, rigorous attention to detail, and relentless pursuit of excellence and production.
As a result, Capricorns appear to be in good shape, have attractive features, and have smooth skin. This person’s facial features include an elongated top lip, a thin upper lip, and an oval-shaped jawline. Their height is on the low end of the spectrum. It might be difficult to tell if they’re warm or frigid because of their deep, serious gaze. Their words have a steady cadence to them. Every word they utter is carefully considered.
Birthdates of Capricorns There is something scholarly in Rashi’s demeanour, like that of a scientist or a philosopher. They have a neutral, sombre, and plain look. Aesthetics aren’t as important to Makara people as usefulness.
Aquarius: Kumbha (February 12–March 12)
It is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius (Kumbha, Kumbh Rashi). Humanity is reflected in the unique emblem of the Kumbh Rashi: Aquarius, according to Vedic Astrology, is a sign of explorers, innovators, adventurers, and visionaries.
People born under the sign of Aquarius tend to be forward-thinking, self-reliant, and libertarian. They have a tendency to be socially charismatic since they are naturally upbeat and jovial.
Pisces: Meena (March 13–April 12)
The Hindu Zodiac’s 12th and final sign are Meena Rashi (Pisces). When it comes to Rashi of Pisces, it’s widely accepted that they possess some of the traits of every other zodiac sign. Sattva guna is associated with Pisces, a water sign. Jupiter is the lord of Pisces, according to Rashi.
Pisces (Meen Rashi) is recognised for its enchanting creative side, which, to some, is like free flowing poetry, while to others, it is like a new floral bloom. Some people like Meena Rashi individuals for their generosity and compassion, while others find them inflexible or immovable.
Kundali – The Natal Chart
A kundali is a chart that depicts the sun, moon, planets, and astrological aspects at a certain moment in time. Kundalis are used in astrology. A chart of the sky and planets at the time of a person’s birth is the most basic definition. Because of this, it’s known as the Birth Chart.”
The twelve houses can be charted in a variety of ways. The celestial horizon is represented by a variety of shapes and sizes, including circular, rectangular, box-like, and geometric shapes.
Bhavas – The Houses in the Vedic Astrology
Adepts in this field build physical-astronomical diagrams and access the realm of spiritual energies known as Bhavas in order to accurately foresee the impact of numerous forces impinging on the individual.
There are twelve houses in the Vedic system of astrology, and each house has a distinct character, meaning, and value. It’s also about gaining a better grasp of your own life’s important events.
Each Nakshatra in a home impacts a wide range of aspects of a person’s life. The astrologers recommend kundali matching for marriage as a way to ensure compatibility between two people.
Nakshatras – The Lunar Mansions in Vedic Astrology
The Nakshatras are the pillars of Hindu astrology, which revolves around them. The 360-degree circle is made up of twenty-eight Nakshatras. To accurately foretell a person’s destiny, the lunar mansions must be examined in depth. When the Moon is in a certain Nakshatra, the horoscope takes on a different hue because of this. Various Nakshatras have different Moon characteristics.
Similarly, each Nakshatra is affected by the three Gunas, Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas. Artha (meaningful activity), Karma (passionate action), Dharma (righteous behaviour), and Moksha (liberation) are the four primary human drives that are reflected in the Nakshatras (liberation, karma-less action).
Grahas – The Planets in the Astrology
In Jyotisha Shashtra (also known as Vedic Astrology), there are nine planets each with a specific role in the natal chart and each representing a certain type of energy. The Navagrahas are the collective name for these nine planets. The zodiac sign in which a planet resides has an impact on its effects.

In the Jyotish Shastra, there are nine planets (Nava Grahas):
Surya (Sun)
Surya, the Sun-god is also known as Ravi, stands in the middle of the other planets facing east and is regarded as the king of the universe (Grahapati). Seven white horses pull his one-wheeled chariot, which represents the seven hues of the white light and the seven days of the week. Ruby is the birthstone for Sun’s day, which falls on a Sunday. Mental stress, headaches, fevers, muscle aches, and heart issues can all be caused by incorrect placement of the Sun in the horoscope. Healthy living may be achieved via the practice of Surya Namaskar.
Chandra (Moon)
The Moon, also known as Soma because of its ebb and flow, is always shown in the upper body with two hands holding one lotus each and a chariot followed by ten horses. When it comes to a person’s mental stability and well-being, the location of the moon in the horoscope has a significant impact. It is possible for a bad placement of the Moon in the horoscope to lead to urinary infections, colitis, bronchitis, and other digestive issues in the body. Pearl is the gemstone of choice for him on Mondays.
Mangal (Mars)
Mars, the violent four-handed deity, is also known as Angaraka. Dharma’s guardian, he is. Two of his hands carry a mace and javelin, while the other two are in Abhaya and Varada mudras, also known as the “hot planet” Mars. Among his many domains include control of the body’s muscular system, as well as the nose, forehead, and cardiovascular system. Having Mangal in the first, second, third, fourth, seventh and twelfth houses of a horoscope generates Mangal Dosha, which has several negative repercussions on the human body. Coral is the gemstone of Mars on Tuesdays.
Raahu (Shadow Planet – Snake’s Head)
He has a passing resemblance to Buddha, but their personalities and temperaments are very different. The lion Budha rides are usually white; he rides a dark one. Rahu is claimed to consume the Sun and the Moon, creating an eclipse, although he doesn’t have a particular day set out only for him. When Rahu is in a bad mood, it can produce a slew of problems and misery in one’s life. The name of his gem is Gomed.
Ketu (Shadow Planet – Snake’s Tail)
Comet (DhumaKetu) is known in Sanskrit for having a serpent-like body, making him look like a comet. However, he is frequently shown in art as riding a vulture and wielding a mace while donning a poke-marked torso. Ketu, in Vedic astrology, represents karma, both good and evil, as well as spirituality and otherworldliness. Cat’s Eye is the gemstone associated with Ketu.
Shani (Saturn)
The planet is a black hole. Shani, the deity of turbulence and difficulty, is revered by Hindu astrologers, who dread him most. He can make or break people’s lives based on his sway and place in the solar system. Using three of his hands, he holds arrows, bows, and javelins, while riding either a chariot, buffalo, or vulture. He is a symbol of adolescence, adolescence, adolescence, and old age. His favourite gemstone is blue sapphire, which he wears on Saturdays. Misplacement of him can lead to a variety of ailments, including rheumatism, asthma, gout, and impotence.
Shukra (Venus)
When Venus is in a man’s horoscope, he or she is said to be his or her wife. Karak planet for the seventh house, which is ruled by Venus and represents marriage and a formal commercial arrangement. It promotes a happy marriage if it is correctly positioned in the horoscope. As a result, Venus performs better when it is in a favourable position in the horoscope.
Brahaspati (Jupiter)
Known as Brahmanaspati, Jupiter is revered in Rigveda as a teacher of the gods and a source of knowledge, love, and spirituality. Eight horses represent the eight branches of knowledge that Jupiter holds in his two hands as he rides in a chariot. As a result, his improper placement can lead to a variety of health issues including diabetes, tumours, liver malfunctions, blood cancers, gout, and a host of other ailments. He also reigns over the thighs, flesh, kidney, liver, fat, and vascular system.
Buddha (Mercury)
It is because of these NavaGrahas that one’s thoughts are seized by them. At this time, the Grahas are extremely powerful in their Dasha (periods) and can exert their influence on people. Also, Grahas are always on the lookout for methods to capture humans, whether for good or ill.
Importance of NavaGrahas in the Astrology
While the planets are important, the Navagrahas are also cosmic vibrations that affect various portions of the body. Each of the Navagrahas, or Vedic Gods, has the power to affect our lives in different ways since they are all related to one another in the cosmos. Individual karma and the fate of the planet can be unravelled in the macrocosm with the use of these crystals in the body.
Some Details (NavaGrahas)
Planets are widely accepted to have a significant part in the lives of every human person. Jyotish Shastra and Vedic Astrology are not the only sources of information about this; contemporary science has also spoken about it. Great sages of the past had a thorough grasp of the cosmos as a whole, as well as the relevance of the cosmos for Earth’s inhabitants. Parashara Rishi and Jaimini Rishi, among others, wrote the Jyotish Shastra, which is the understanding of light or the heavenly body based on the Vedas.
A person’s life and energy are governed by Grahas, which are like our senses in that they are based on where they are when they are born. Graha implies planet or controlling, grabbing, grasping, or cognizing, which is why it is related with many other notions, such as marriage, as well (Panigraha, which means a connection between bride and bridegroom as the bridegroom holds the little finger of a bride with his little finger). Good fortune, or overcoming difficulty, ill luck, or misfortune resulting from past karmas or birth-related deformities, is a common reason for worshipping them (doshas).
Dasha – The Planetary Period in Vedic Astrology
Dietary supplements are known as “Dasha” in Jyotish Shastra and refer to the period during which a person’s astrological horoscope is in balance.
According to Jyotish, the Dasha pattern reveals which planets will be in charge at any given moment.
Planetary periods are defined by their location in relation to the sign (Rashi), House (Bhava) or Combinations (Yogas) in which they are placed (Drishti). Graha Dasha is the name given to each Dasha that is ruled by one of the nine planets.
Drishti – The Aspects in Astrology
Using the Jyotish Shastra’s Drishti concept, the Jyotish Shastra explains that each planet creates and radiates its own unique energy field. Sometimes, certain planetary aspects take precedence over planetary combinations. Predicting the future relies heavily on planetary factors.
The planets (Graha Drishti) and the signs (Rashi Drishti) can both cast aspects. There is a difference between planetary aspects (desire) and sign aspects (consciousness).
Yogya – The Special Planetary Combination
In yogya, the term “union” refers to the combination of planets in a precise connection to one another. Vedic Astrology’s unique prediction technique, Yuga or Yoga, is Yuga or Yoga. Yoga is a predetermined rule that takes into consideration the planets, signs, and other Vedic Astrological features.
Types of Yogya
Rajya Yogya
In the Dasha of the planets that give rise to Raja Yoga, Subha (‘auspicious’) Yoga offers success and a spectacular ascent in career or business, and a larger degree of financial wealth. However, the existence of additional Ashubha (‘inauspicious’) and Aristha Yogas alters these outcomes.
Dhana Yogya
Astrological pairings that bring riches and success. Dhana Yoga – leads the planets and the Bhavas to be associated with gaining, acquiring, and amassing money. Jupiter is one of the natural Dhana-karaka (signifiers of wealth), and a powerful Jupiter ensures long-term success and financial stability.
Sanyasa Yogya
In Hindu astrology, Sanyasa, or the renunciation of worldly material life, is indicated by some horoscopes’ unusual planetary configurations or combinations.
The Difference Between Vedic and Western Astrology
The calendar used in Vedic astrology is distinct.
According to McDonough, Western astrology employs the “tropical calendar” and the four seasons, whereas Vedic astrology uses the “sidereal system,” which takes into account the constantly shifting constellations that may be observed. This is not the case with Western astrology, which relies on fixed positions of the planets.)
When it comes to karma and dharma, Vedic astrology is more accurate.
According to McDonough, current Western astrology has grown more psychologically oriented, whereas Vedic astrology is centred on one’s particular karma.
Using Vedic astrology, we may learn more about our dharma, or life path, and discover our inherent strengths and weaknesses. “Our connections with our family, friends, and lovers may be better understood with the use of this information. Having a basic comprehension of this helps to alleviate and alleviate tension and our emotional ups and downs “her words are clear.
In Vedic astrology, retrogrades, sun signs, and rising signs are handled differently.
A retrograde planet has diverse meanings for each modality, as well as different interpretations of planetary aspects.
Aspects such as a square, trine, sextile, or opposition may be found for all planets in Western astrology. There are distinct aspects and varied strengths associated with each planet in the Vedic system of astrology, and each planet has one or more of these particular aspects.
Similarly, in Vedic astrology, the rising sign is considered more essential than the sun sign.
Jyotish Shastra is a rudimentary method of stabilising and enhancing human existence. The primary purpose for which Vedic Astrology has been put to use in the modern world is to benefit the person. This is why it is so important to keep an eye on the above-mentioned factors when it comes to predicting future occurrences in the family. This would allow us to take prompt corrective actions such as Graha puja, Homas and Rudra pooja, as well as other remedies, should the situation warrant it.
Some Interesting Facts
- Except for Rahu and Ketu, each of the Navagrahas governs a single day of the week.
- Every Hindu temple has the Navagrahas as sub-gods.
- Lord Ganesh is worshipped first, and then the Navagrahas are worshipped.
- The ascending and descending nodes of the Moon, Rahu and Ketu, are not planets.
- Every Hindu temple has a Navagraha to safeguard the temple and the people who enter it.
- If two grahas are placed in different mandapas, they cannot face each other.
- Kashyap and Aditi’s son, the Sun, is one of the Adityas. He is frequently referred to as God’s everyday visible form.
- One of the fertility gods is the moon, which is linked to the dew. The 27 wives he had are all the daughters of Daksha Prajapathi, to whom he was married (Nakshatras).
- Bhauma is the name given to the son of Earth, Mars.
- Moon and Tara had a son, Budha (Mercury).
- It’s called Shukra Dasha, and it lasts for 20 years in the horoscope, which is recognised in astrology. Those who have Shukra positioned favourably in their horoscope with Shukra as a prominent benefic planet in their horoscope should expect greater prosperity, fortune, and luxury in their lives during this dasha.
- Surya and his wife Chhaya had a son, Shani, who is a demi-god.
- Lord Vishnu’s Mohini avatar of Vishnu ripped Rahu’s head off at Samundra Manthana so that he was left with an eternal head called Rahu and the remainder of his body was named Ketu.
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