Brahamin Bhoj – Introduction
Hindu Religion is a cultural practice that is aimed at creating the balance between the inner dimension and outer dimension of existence. It stresses living life with gratitude and grace.
Pind Daan
Pind-daan is a practice to strengthen our forefathers who are no more part of our life and to pay for Pitri Rin which means to pay the debt to our ancestors. This is a gesture of gratitude towards ancestors as because of them we are born as human beings and have got a chance to attain Mukti which is the ultimate goal of every life on this earth.
Pitru paksha and Tithi
Pitru-paksha, is observed from the first day of Kwar (Poornima) month of the Hindu calendar every year, up to 16 days (Amavasya). This is the period to do tarparn, and sharaddh so that wherever our ancestors are whether they are born somewhere or in pitri-lok, they will get whatever you offer them.
If you want to dedicate the shraddh and Brahmin bhojan to known fore-father you should do it on the tithi (the day according to two Hindu calendars)when the soul left the body. Navami tithi also known as Matri Navami is specially dedicated to female ancestors.
Who are Brahmins?
Brahmins are those who are closest to the Brahma (Divine), as they continue practising a conscious life and are close to the cosmos. Hinduism has given a special place to Brahmins as they are the ones soaked in Bhakti and thought of The Lord Brahma, they practice purity in every aspect of life.
They are the ones who realized the inner dimension and established a culture practice it and maintain it which brings people close to God. They are Purusharthi, they have extreme control over their desires and are serving humanity through the energy of purity.
Why offer Brahamin Bhoj?
When Brahmins are fed and feel satisfied it makes Brahma happy and Brahmins are closest and in synchronization to cosmos, by virtue of this the Urja is released by the happy body and it makes ancestors happy or Bhakti Dhara says as the Devtas are masters of all the five elements and energy they get happy and they make ancestors get all that which is offered to Brahmins.

Brahamins are a dear one to Lord Vishnu, and Lord Vishnu is considered to be Palanhar (feeder and caretaker of the world and Cosmos). Once you offer Brahmin food lord Vishnu, gives peace, salvation to your ancestors. Your ancestors watch your efforts, get peace, feel happy and moved by the gesture and bless you for a happy and successful life.
In case one is not capable of arranging Brahmin bhoj due to unavailability or any reason one should for sure feed one Brahmin or if, even this is not possible, you should feed at least the nephew (Bhanja-sisters son ) of the departed person.
With this there are certain rules or instructions which should be practised to make the Brahmin Bhoj energy efficient; so that offered food which is a form of energy is ensured to reach your ancestors.
There are five rules to be practised, some by the family of the person organising Brahman Bhoj some by the Brahmans accepting the bhoj.
Rules for Organising Family:
Cook Happy Food:
The food should be vegetarian and hygiene should be maintained, with this the person cooking food should not be discussing and thinking anything negative it should be cooked in a pure environment.
Serving method:
- Make Brahmins sit facing southward direction.
- Do Sankalp as suggested by Pandit ji.
- After this feed to Dog, crow and Cow, in case any of them are unavailable due to any
the reason is you can do as pandit ji said or keep their part separate. - The Bhojan (food) should be served in Palash leave plate or banana leave or silver
plate. In case of unavailability of these plates any other available plate can be
chosen. - One should serve food and water using both hands, serving with one hand is not
good gesture and is prohibited in Shastras.
Rules for Brahmins:
Silence during the meal:
Brahmins should not speak out while having a meal, they can ask anything if needed through gestures and should only speak after washing hands and clearing mouths and throat.
No Discussion about the meal:
Brahmin should not either give feedback or discuss anything about the meal they had.
Eating Limitations:
Brahmin should not take part in more than three Brahamin bhoj invite, and should not eat anything even at their home after attending the Brahman Bhoj.
Guidelines for Dan:
The guideline for dan says not to donate on the same day when served food and even Brahmin should not accept it on the same day. It should be donated on the next day of sharaddh and tarpan.