The 7 Chakras of Human Body

7 Chakras of Human Body
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The energy centres of the body are known as chakras. They can be found in the astral body, running from the base to the crown of the skull along the spine. Chakras and spiritual energy have not been thoroughly researched in medical studies, but they may provide insight into your own mind and body. There are an infinite number of chakras in the human body, each with its own vibration, colour, and sound. The root chakra will send ‘Apana prana’ to the pelvic region, where it will provide energy to the organs.

The Muladhara Chakra is located at the base of the spine, between the anus and the genitals. At the base of the throat is the Vishuddha Chakra, which correlates to the thyroid gland. It has been connected to creativity, healthy expression, religion, and good communication. Between the brows is the Ajna Chakra (also known as the Agya Chakra).

What are Chakras?


Chakras are the body’s energy centres. They are found in the astral body, running along the spine from the base to the crown of the head. Chakra is a Sanskrit term that translates to “wheel” or “cycle.” There are seven major chakras that run from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. This age-old concept has found its way into various New Age thought types.


The astral body is the energy body that exists within our physical body. Each physical bodily portion corresponds to an astral body part. The astral body is not visible or touchable. This is also why we can’t see the chakras.


Each chakra emits a distinct colour and energy, and each corresponds to a gland in the physical body.


Because each chakra is associated with unique spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical parts of our being, it is thought that their blocking or dysfunction might result in physical, psychological, and emotional problems.


Conscious awareness and balance of these energy centres, on the other hand, is thought to result in happiness and well health.


That is one of the goals of yoga. Yoga asana practise aims to stimulate and balance the body’s chakras or energy centres.


Chakras are supposed to give subtle energy that allows your organs, mind, and intellect to function optimally. Chakras and spiritual energy have not been properly studied in medical studies, but they, like any religion or belief, may help you think about your own mind and body.


Shape of Chakras


There are numerous theories surrounding the chakras’ form. Some describe them as whirling discs, while others see them as flowers hanging from the spine.


Some individuals even think they look like an ice cream cone! All of these alternative theories exist solely because the chakras cannot be viewed with the naked eye or any other equipment. As a result, we prefer to believe whatever becomes widely publicised.


According to ancient teachings, a chakra is shaped like a sphere or a ball. It’s even thought that Earth is a primary chakra of the solar system and a minor chakra of our galaxy, the Milky Way.


It rotates to disperse energy, but learning more about it is beyond the reach of human comprehension.


Chakras: Their Function and Importance


The chakras serve as distribution points for energy. They disperse the five pranas to their respective localities. The root chakra, for example, will distribute ‘Apana prana’ to the pelvic region and offer energy to the organs there.


This distribution pattern is disrupted when a chakra is blocked or not operating properly, resulting in physical or psycho-emotional/energy difficulties.

Types of Chakras


We usually hear about the seven chakras, although the human body contains an endless number of chakras. Each of the seven chakras is connected with a specific vibration, colour, and sound.


You may experience different aspects of your physical, mental, and emotional health depending on whether these energy centres are healthy or obstructed.


The Seven Main Chakras

Root Chakra – Mooldhara Chakra


Element – Earth

Location – Near your tailbone, at the base of your spine

Muldhara Chakra



The Muladhara Chakra is placed between the anus and the genitals at the base of the spine. It is defined by the feelings of survival, stability, aspiration, and self-sufficiency.


When this chakra is out of balance, a person begins to feel unstable, ungrounded, lacking in ambition, purpose, scared, insecure, and frustrated.


When the root chakra is balanced, however, these negative feelings are replaced by more good emotions, and you feel more stable, confident, balanced, energetic, independent, and strong.


Svadhishthana Chakra – Sacral Chakra


Element – Water

LocationTwo inches below your belly button

Svadhishthana Chakra – Sacral Chakra



The Svadhishthana Chakra is situated in the lower belly, approximately four fingers below the navel.


Its characteristics include the fundamental urge for sexuality, as well as creativity and self-esteem. When the sacral chakra is out of balance, a person may experience emotional turpitude and irritability, a lack of energy and creativity, become manipulative or become obsessed with sexual ideas.


It makes one feel more lively, cheerful, positive, fulfilled, compassionate, and intuitive when it is balanced.

Manipura Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra

Colour Yellow

Element – Fire

LocationBetween naval and sternum

Manipura Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra



The Manipura Chakra is placed between the navel and the bottom of the rib cage in the solar plexus. It is distinguished by emotions such as ego, rage, and hostility.


A solar plexus chakra imbalance might present physiologically as digestion issues, liver difficulties, or diabetes. On an emotional level, one may experience depression, low self-esteem, rage, and perfectionism.


We feel more energetic, confident, productive, and focused when we balance this chakra.


Anahata Chakra – Heart Chakra


Element – Air

LocationCenter of chest

Anahata Chakra – Heart Chakra



The Anahata Chakra, as the name suggests, is located in the centre of the body.


This chakra represents equilibrium and is defined by feelings such as love, attachment, compassion, trust, and passion.


When the heart chakra is out of harmony, a person may experience emotional issues such as wrath, distrust, anxiety, jealousy, fear, and moodiness. When this energy centre is in balance, a person begins to feel more sympathetic, kind, hopeful, friendly, and motivated.


Vishuddha Chakra – Throat Chakra

Colour Blue

Element – Space

Location Base of the throat to the centre of the eyes

Vishuddha Chakra – Throat Chakra



The Visuddha Chakra, which corresponds to the thyroid gland, is positioned at the base of the throat. It is linked to creativity, healthy expression, religion, and the ability to communicate effectively.


A blockage in the throat chakra might manifest as timidity, stillness, a sense of weakness, or an inability to express one’s thoughts. When this chakra is in balance, it allows for creativity, positive self-expression, constructive communication, and a sense of fulfilment.


Ajna Chakra – Third Eye Chakra


Element – None

LocationCenter of the forehead between eyebrows

Ajna Chakra – Third Eye Chakra



The Ajna Chakra (also known as the Agya Chakra) is placed between the brows. It is also known as the Third Eye Chakra and is frequently used as a focal point during asana practise to increase attention and awareness.


It is stated that focusing on this chakra removes past-life karma and brings emancipation and intuitive understanding.


It possesses intelligence, intuition, insight, and self-awareness. When it is out of balance, it might make you feel insecure and fearful of success, or it can make you more egoistical.


Physical symptoms of an imbalance include headaches, hazy vision, and eye strain. When this chakra is active and balanced, a person feels more spiritually and emotionally alive and confident.


Without the fear of death, one becomes his own master and is free of all attachment to earthly things.


Sahastrara Chakra – Crown Chakra

Colour Violet/White

Element – None

Location – Two inches above the top of the head

Sahastrara Chakra – Crown Chakra



The crown chakra, unlike the other chakras, is not located on or within your body. It’s right above your head and radiates eternally upward and forth, linking you to your soul, higher self, purpose, universe, source, and the divine.


While its energy can be bright violet or white, it always reflects spirituality, enlightenment, and consciousness. During your next meditation, see that bright hue saturating that place and beyond it to harness its energies and aid refresh both the mind and soul.

The 7 Chakras of Human Body

Muladhara Chakra - Root Chakra
EarthRedNear your tailbone, at the base of your spine It is defined by the feelings of survival, stability, aspiration, and self-sufficiency.
Svadhishthana Chakra – Sacral ChakraWaterOrangeTwo inches below your belly buttonIts characteristics include the fundamental urge for sexuality, as well as creativity and self-esteem.
Manipura Chakra – Solar Plexus ChakraFireYellowBetween naval and sternum It is distinguished by emotions such as ego, rage, and hostility.
Anahata Chakra – Heart ChakraAirGreenCenter of chestThis chakra represents equilibrium and is defined by feelings such as love, attachment, compassion, trust, and passion.
Vishuddha Chakra – Throat ChakraSpaceBlue Base of the throat to the centre of the eyesIt is linked to creativity, healthy expression, religion, and the ability to communicate effectively.
Ajna Chakra – Third Eye ChakraNoneIndigoCenter of the forehead between eyebrowsIt is stated that focusing on this chakra removes past-life karma and brings emancipation and intuitive understanding.
Sahastrara Chakra – Crown ChakraNoneViolet/WhiteTwo inches above the top of the headIt radiates eternally upward and forth, linking you to your soul, higher self, purpose, universe, source, and the divine.

Ways to Awaken your Chakras

Every chakra has its own frequency and speed of rotation. Diet, lifestyle, cognitive patterns, and other factors can affect the frequency and pace of these events. When there is an imbalance, it causes problems with the dispersion of the pranas. Consider what would happen if a 50-watt light bulb received a 300-watt or 5-watt power supply! When we talk about balancing or awakening the chakras, we’re talking about getting them back to their normal pace.

The following can be used to help balance the chakras:


  • Diet: An imbalance of the five elements in the body is one of the main causes of a chakra imbalance. A well-balanced diet aids in the balancing of the body’s constituents.
  • Asanas: Asanas help to activate and improve the functioning of the chakras. They also make it possible for the chakras to heal on their own.
  • Breathing: Breathing aids in the expansion of prana flow in the body as well as the removal of stale prana.
  • Meditation clears the mind and removes negativity and manipulation from a person’s life.

Book your Yoga tour with us to balance your Chakras. Find out more here.


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